Certificate distribution ceremony at the Alliance Française of Islamabad

(Islamabad, June 13, 2012)


Islamabad: The certificate distribution ceremony for the DELF-DALF (diploma delivered by the French Ministry of Education) was held at The Alliance Francaise Islamabad in association with the Embassy of France. The Counsellor for Cooperation, Development and Cultural Affairs, Dr Frederic Bessat along with two Board Directors of The Alliance Francaise, Dr M Shafi and Mrs Mariam Mehdi, have presented awards with prizes to the Best students for the year 2011.

This ceremony aims to promote French language, to implement and develop the teaching and learning of French language throughout the country, to gradually generalize the French teaching throughout the secondary education and encourage the learners.

This process has already been started, as the French center has signed several MoUs with leading universities in Pakistan (NUML, NUST, IQRA, MAJU, BAHARIA.…). The objective is to improve French language knowledge in Pakistan as French is the second largest spoken language in the world and the foremost tool of cooperation, as well as being an instrument for better economic, political and cultural relations.


Dernière modification : 25/09/2014

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